Posted by: eoladental | September 3, 2016

Labor Day Weekend

How are you celebrating this Labor Day weekend?

For many of us, Labor Day is a day off of work and the close of a three day weekend. The long weekend is conducive to filling our busy schedules with household projects, shopping for Labor Day bargains, barbecues, picnics, parades and that last hurrah at the beach for the season.

Historically, the fight for workers’ rights has been a long and arduous one.  The labor movement’s demand for fair wages and better working conditions, including time off, culminated in honoring the American worker on the first Monday in September.  Signed into law by President Grover Cleveland in 1894, the federal holiday was established.

We at Eola Dental are grateful to be able to enjoy the last vestiges of summer this weekend.  Whether we are picnicking, going to the beach, hiking or kayaking, all of us will be spending time with our families and friends.

Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!

Cindy K.

Eola Dental-Aurora IL

Posted by: eoladental | July 2, 2015

Fourth of July Fun Facts

It’s the time of year to celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by enjoying festivities, watching fireworks and enjoying delicious barbecue.  For some of us, having some extra time off of work certainly is another perk that we look forward to and appreciate.

While you are having fun in the sun with family and friends throw out a few fun facts about this very American holiday.

According to U. S. Government Facts Website (

  • There were 2.5 million people living in the colonies in 1776
  • Benjamin Franklin was the oldest signer of the document. He was 70 years old
  • Edward Rutledge was the youngest signer of the document at 26 years of age

CBS website ( also cites some trivia:

  • Thomas Jefferson drafted the document on a “lap top”.  In those days the “lap top” was a small wooden lap desk
  • Thomas Jefferson changed the wording of the Declaration of Independence from “pursuit of property” to “pursuit of happiness”
  • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826 on the 50th anniversary of the signing

Some additional fun facts from A + E (

  • 63% attend fireworks
  • 80% attend barbecues
  • 66% display the American flag
  • 32% watch a parade
  • 150 million Americans eat hot dogs and about 1/3 of all hot dogs in the U.S. come from Iowa
  • Macy’s has the largest Fourth of July fireworks show in the nation in New York City

So as we celebrate and have fun this holiday, let us remember the story of our great nation and appreciate the sacrifices that were made so we can be a free, independent nation.

Happy Fourth of July!

Eola Dental

Posted by: eoladental | April 20, 2015

Earth Day – Going Green

For over 40 years we have been celebrating Earth Day on April 22 and for the last few decades I have made some type of change or made some small difference to make the world a “greener” place to live. I have seen many changes over the years and one area that I have witness a great deal of change is in the field of dentistry.

I began my dental career almost 25 years ago and I have seen these changes first hand.  Environmentally friendly procedures and practices are something our dental office strives to achieve.  Several years ago we transitioned from standard film x-rays to digital x-rays significantly decreasing radiation exposure. Since our doors opened in 1998, we have been placing mercury-free fillings instead of silver fillings. Although we have been recycling for years, we are in the process of converting Eola Dental to a chartless office. Reducing the use of paper in our practice has become our mission. So far, we have made some great progress.

Those of us in the dental field care about our patient’s overall health, not just their oral health. This is why we have adopted a more eco-friendly environment for ourselves, our patients and our planet. Adopting just a few small environmentally conscious changes can make a big difference.

Remember to reuse, recycle, reduce and recharge what you can and we will reap tremendous benefits to our health and the health of our planet.

Here’s to your health!

Cindy – Office Manager

Eola Dental – Aurora, IL

Posted by: eoladental | September 24, 2014

Beverages and Oral Health

Although many people enjoy a tasty glass of wine or other alcoholic beverages, according to an article in the August 2014 issue of Dentistry Today, a survey revealed that only 16% of people are concerned with oral health implications when drinking alcohol.

Many alcoholic beverages are acidic and contain sugar. We know that sugar and acidic foods and drinks are not good for your teeth causing cavities. Soft drinks, energy drinks and sport drinks also, contain acid that can attack tooth enamel. Also, red wine, dark juice drinks and coffee drinks can also stain teeth. So, it is recommended that, at the very minimum, people drink water in between consuming these beverages.

If you are going to imbibe in spirits or enjoy a sugary or carbonated drink, then do so in moderation. Remember to drink water between beverages and brush your teeth as soon as possible. To your health!

Dinesh J. Patel D.D.S.
Eola Dental – Aurora, IL

Posted by: eoladental | August 25, 2014

Team Building

Team building and developing great relationships are some of my favorite work-related activities.  When we make an effort to coordinate these types of activities with community service, it makes it so much sweeter.  Many businesses encourage their employees to participate in altruistic activities that are employer sponsored.  It is a great way to develop team spirit, strengthen relationships and give back to the community. This helps us feel that even is some small way, we have made a difference.

A few times a year, we make a commitment to various causes in the community.  Our latest events were Bark for Life and Relay for Life.  Both of these events were held to benefit the American Cancer Society.  It sounded like both events would be fun as there were so many activities that had been planned.  The fact that cancer has destroyed so many lives, and that so many of us have lost love ones to this disease certainly had an impact on our desire to help in the fight against cancer.  So, we participated.

In the first event, Bark for Life, that was held in May, our Eola Dental team walked with our families and our dogs at Phillip’s Park in Aurora, IL.  The second event, Relay for Life, was held in June in Geneva IL.  As a team, we raised money, walked and sponsored both events.  We found that these events were a great way for us as co-workers and our families to get some exercise, support a cause, meet some new people and develop stronger relationships with one another.

By attending and participating in these events, we found that it helps us become better employees, better friends and more aware of where we can help on a slightly larger scale.  As healthcare workers, we enjoy and are committed to helping people.  Participating in community events just gives us another opportunity to help others and help ourselves by strengthening our relationships and our character.


Eola Dental – Aurora, IL

Bark for Life - TeamBark for Life - Team 2Walk for Life - Dr. PatelWalk for Life - Cind K

Posted by: eoladental | April 27, 2014

Be an Organ/Tissue Donor!

Well, it was that time again when I needed to renew my driver’s license.  When I received my new license, it was a reminder, proof that I was granted the privilege to drive a vehicle.  We drive to our places of employment, the store, the doctor.  We visit friends and family. We vacation and take road trips, but it is just not something we think about all that often. Because of our busy lives, we seem to forget or take for granted just how convenient it is to be able to just pick up and go.

What we also forget is how lucky we are in other areas of our life, such as our health. Most of us are fairly healthy and active.  We can get around, go to work and enjoy life.  There are, however, many people who are not as healthy and may be in need of medical treatment, medications and even healthy organs.  I am reminded of that when I am at the office.  As a dental office manager, I review patients’ medical histories every day when I am at work, so I am acutely aware of the seriousness of some of those diseases.

Along with my driver’s license I received a letter from the Office of the Secretary of State thanking me for participating in the organ donation program. The letter states that there over 5.4 million people who are registered in the program, but there are over 5,000 people waiting to receive an organ transplant.  It also states that in Illinois, 300 people die per year waiting for a transplant and that just one donor can make a difference in the lives of 25 people. This letter re-impressed upon me the importance of being a registered donor and it also, requested that we encourage others to register.  So, I am doing just that. I have registered as a donor many years ago, and hope that you will consider registering as well.   Illinois residents can register at a Drivers Service facility or they can go on line to register at

Yours In Health,

Cindy K.

Eola Dental   Aurora, IL

Posted by: eoladental | March 30, 2014

Youth Tobacco Prevention

Despite the financial costs and the devastating health consequences, many teens are still taking to lighting up. Most people know of the effects smoking tobacco has on the heart and lungs, but tobacco affects many different organ systems.  Some effects are immediate, others take longer to manifest.

According to the Centers for Disease Control’s website on Smoking and Tobacco Use, “Each day in the United States more than 3,200 people younger than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette.”  Also, according to the Food and Drug Administration, 9 out of every 10 adult smokers pick up their first cigarette by age 17.   So, it is imperative that prevention is stressed and early intervention is key.  The FDA has an aggressive ad campaign targeting at risk teens about the harmful effects of tobacco use. Targeting children 12 through 17 years of age is the focus of the FDA’s Youth Tobacco Prevention Campaign.

The campaign message includes, smoking and yellow teeth, staining, bad breath, gum disease, tooth loss and predisposition to oral cancers.  Other health consequences include increased cavities, skin changes such as wrinkles, heart disease, lung disease such as emphysema, lung, mouth and throat cancers. Pregnant women who smoke increase the risk of their children being born with a cleft lip and palate. 

What can parents do to prevent their children from using tobacco?  The American Lung associate has some tips for parents. Some of these tips include, being open and honest about the negative consequences of smoking.  Start talking to them around five or six years of age. Set a good example and don’t smoke and if you do smoke, don’t smoke around the children.  Keep your home smoke free and remember if you smoke, quit.  You will be glad you did.

Dinesh J. Patel D.D.S                                                                                                                                      

Eola Dental – Aurora, IL


Posted by: eoladental | October 22, 2013

Giving Blood

Back in August, the staff at Eola Dental and our families participated in a blood drive held at Arlington Park Race Track. Not only were we able to give back to those in need, we also had a wonderful time just enjoying each other’s company.   Each one of us is so very grateful to have been given so much.  We have our health, very fulfilling and rewarding careers and we have also been blessed with a great supportive families and friends.  Our gratitude and our desire to be a part of something more, something bigger than ourselves, prompts us to participate in our community and volunteer whenever we can to give of our time and resources. Although many of us participate in various types of altruistic endeavors, donating blood is an easy and convenient way to help someone in need.

Since I have participated in that blood drive, I decided to make a commitment to donate considerably more often.  According to Life Source, 38% of the nation’s population is eligible to donate and less than 10% of nation’s population donates.  Each year, 4.5 million Americans would die without blood transfusions and Life Source also states that every 2 seconds, someone needs a transfusion.

There are, of course, certain criteria that must be met as to who is eligible to donate and time considerations as to how often individuals can donate.  Being in good health and feeling well on day of donation, weighing at least 110lbs and being at least 17 years old is the criteria for whole blood donation.  Other criteria must be met to donate double red cells, platelets or plasma.

As the holidays are fast approaching and as we gather with our loved ones; our family and friends, as we share our food, our fellowship and gifts.  I urge everyone to consider giving the gift of a blood donation.  This holiday season; consider giving the gift of life.

Cindy K. – Eola Dental


Posted by: eoladental | July 10, 2013

Expectant Moms and Dental Care

The importance of dental care for expectant mothers cannot be overstated. Many moms-to- be are misinformed about receiving routine and necessary dental care.  The misconception is that visiting the dentist is not safe during pregnancy.  This simply is not true.  Dental care helps prevent dental problems in the short and long term.

According to the Connecticut State Dental Association, “Dental care is safe for pregnant patients and can prevent future health problems for mothers and their babies.”  For example, recare visits are imperative to maintain oral health.  Pregnant women have an increased risk of pregnancy gingivitis, tooth mobility, tooth decay and erosion.  Pregnancy gingivitis and tooth mobility are related to the increased level of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy.   GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) and morning sickness increases the risk of weakening enamel, decay and can cause gum irritation.

Even prior to becoming pregnant, it is strongly recommended that the future-mom-to-be receive all necessary dental care including cleanings and any necessary x-rays and restorative care.  However, if a pregnant patient is experiencing any dental related problems, she should visit her dental professional to address any issues.  The risk of not treating dental problems outweighs the risk of taking care of the problem during pregnancy.

Again, it is highly recommended that women prior to becoming pregnant address any oral health issues.  Routine dental care, such as visiting the dentist for cleanings, exams and prompt treatment for any problems that arise are imperative to good oral health.

For more information you can check out the Connecticut State Dental Society website:


Dinesh J. Patel D.D.S.

Eola Dental,   Aurora, Illinois

Posted by: eoladental | May 20, 2013

Xerostomia – Dry Mouth

One of the most frequent complaints we hear from our patients is dry mouth or in clinical terms xerostomia. Lack or decreased saliva hampers our ability to chew and digest food and increases our susceptibility to oral infections. Saliva is essential to cleansing our mouth and controlling fungi and bacteria. Although xerostomia is not a disease, it is a disorder and it can be very frustrating. Xerostomia symptoms also include soreness, burning and inflammation of the mucus membranes and tongue, dry throat, bad breath and increased thirst.

As it relates to dentistry, dry mouth may make it difficult and uncomfortable to wear dentures. It increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Xerostomia can also cause soreness and burning sensations in the mouth.

Xerostomia can be broken down into short-term or reversible causes or more long-term or chronic causes. The short-term reversible causes consist of dehydration, emotional stress, blockage, trauma or infection of the saliva glands, vitamin A or vitamin B deficiency, and medications such as antihistamines, atropine, and diuretics just to name a few. Certain habits such as breathing through the mouth or smoking can also lead to dry mouth.

Long term chronic causes such as the lack of salivary gland development, radiation of the salivary glands or surrounding tissue (this may be temporary or permanent), diseases or conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome or salivary gland tumors, diabetes, stoke and HIV-AIDS among others.

Depending on the cause, there are several treatment options. For example, if there is a blockage, removal of the blockage is necessary. If there is an infection of the salivary gland, taking certain medications such as antibiotics or antifungal are in order and taking the correct vitamins and dosages if there is a deficiency.  Also, the use of chewing gum with Xylitol and Biotene mouthwash also will help keep your mouth moist and don’t forget to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.  Always consult your physician for medical advice and see your dentist regularly!

Dinesh J. Patel D.D.S    

Aurora, IL


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